William Lane Craig Proves God's Existence By Just Solemnly Holding Up Plate Of Fish Tacos
Christian Living · Dec 23, 2023 · BabylonBee.com

HOUSTON, TX — Famed Christian apologist and professor Dr. William Lane Craig irrefutably proved God's existence today by simply pointing to a plate of freshly made fish tacos.

"Forget Aquinas' five ways -- there is but one argument needed to irrefutably prove God's existence once and for all," said Craig before solemnly holding up the plate of fish tacos. "Checkmate, atheists."

According to sources, the tacos were made with fresh, lightly-seared tilapia and homemade tortillas. Dressed with chipotle aioli and microgreens, even the most hardened atheist who laid eyes on the tacos became an instant theist. "A rational being has recourse against the teleological argument for God - but confronted with fish tacos, one has no choice but to conclude the existence of an all-powerful, loving God," explained former atheist Devon Archer as he took a bite. "Dang, these are good."

At publishing time, Christians across the nation had begun evangelizing by just walking up and down streets wildly gesticulating at a plate of fish tacos.

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