Snopes Rates Babylon Bee World's Most Accurate News Source
The Babylon Bee · Sep 1, 2017 ·

U.S. - As part of a detailed review of prominent online news outlets, a large team of fact-checkers at unanimously voted The Babylon Bee as the world's most accurate news source, Snopes editors revealed Friday.

After reviewing over 1,200 of the Bee's articles, opinion pieces, and exclusive news stories published over the site's eighteen months of existence, the Snopes team all agreed that the Bee was "far more accurate" than competing news sources.

"It's not even close," Snopes writer Kim LaCapria wrote as part of the announcement. "Whereas sites like CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are constantly dropping the ball, The Babylon Bee has never gotten a single fact wrong."

"They are the one true news source, the pinnacle of trustworthy journalism," she added reverently.

The team of editors on the review panel stated that the key factor in the decision was the Bee's relentless, fact-based coverage of stories like Steven Furtick's recent multi-million dollar contract with Lakewood Church, Benny Hinn's troubles with the IRS, and exclusive scoops on Joel Osteen's ongoing wacky antics.

"Their stories are just too good to be made-up. They're excellent," another Snopes writer said.

At publishing time, sources had confirmed that several Bee writers had been shortlisted for a Pulitzer Prize.

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