Republicans Excited To Have Supreme Court Majority Like They Had When 'Roe V. Wade' Decided
Politics · Jul 2, 2018 ·

U.S. - As President Trump prepares to select his nominee to replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court, Republicans across the country confirmed they were "really excited" to finally have a decisive majority of Supreme Court justices appointed by Republican presidents, just like they did when Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.

"At long last, we'll have a solid majority of justices who were chosen by Republican presidents, so we can overturn this awful decision made by a majority of justices who were chosen by Republican presidents," a Fox News consultant said in a daytime program Monday. "What could possibly go wrong?"

"Getting a conservative majority is our only hope to reverse the unconstitutional decision made by a conservative majority," he added.

At publishing time, conservatives across the nation had called for GOP members to make sure the party holds on to the House and Senate during mid-terms, so they can overturn the funding of Planned Parenthood passed by a GOP-controlled House and Senate.

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