Progressive Mom Proudly Declares Son To Be Transgender After He Walks Through Barbie Aisle
Worldviews · Jun 11, 2019 ·

PORTLAND, OR - Young mother Olivia McKinley declared her three-year-old son Kale to be transgendered after he took a brief walk through the Barbie aisle while in the toy section at Target on Monday. She could be heard shrieking, "My son is trans! I accept you, my beautiful, brave trans girl. I do not judge you! I love you just the way you are!" Her mouth was just inches from the boy's face as she embraced him tightly, though he tried to squirm free.

A man who had overheard the screams walked by and asked, "Is everything OK?"

McKinley shoved the man back and shouted, "Back off! Don't you dare judge my brave trans daughter! How dare-h-H-HOW dare you!" The man left the store shocked and confused. 

When McKinley returned to her son he had walked over to the Avengers toys and had taken down a Captain America figure. "NOOO! NO! They got to you! Don't let them in! Don't let their binary poison break your little mind! Be yourself, Kale, be yourself!!" Kale began to cry as the agitated mother ripped the action figure from his hands and replaced it with astronaut Barbie. "Imagine if you became a woman... you could become the first woman on Mars! Or an MMA fighter! Or the first man to get an abortion!"

When last seen, McKinley was overheard calling her son "Kayla" and forcing him to try on a dress while shouting, "It's OK! I accept you! Stop scratching me!"

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