Pastor Livestreams Sermon So Congregation Won't Have To Look Up From Their Phones
Church · Jul 9, 2019 ·

CASTLE ROCK, CO - An innovative pastor at Foothills United Church has begun livestreaming his sermons on Facebook in order to save his congregation the trouble of looking up from their phones during church services.

Pastor Paul Armstrong says he got the idea from an audience feedback survey his church gave out to help boost congregation satisfaction scores. Several members complained about the inconvenience of looking back and forth between the pulpit and their screens.

"My neck starts hurting about halfway through the message," one member reported. "It's not easy, having to look up and down at the pastor and then back at Faceboo-- I mean, my Bible app-- twenty to thirty times per sermon."

"It seems like we're getting a great response," Pastor Paul told sources. "My sermon on Sunday got 117 likes, 10 wows and 14 hearts. The Spirit was on the move."

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