New Prayer App Delivers Electric Shock Every Time User Says ‘Just’
Christian Living · Jun 23, 2016 ·

CHARLOTTE, NC - Calling the app a "must-have for God's people" in the wake of a recent LifeWay study on Evangelicals' prayer habits, Christian tech startup KingdomTekk announced Thursday morning its release of a new prayer app called Just Stop - available now on the App Store and Google Play - which will deliver an electric shock every time its user says the word "just" in prayer.

According to the company, using Just Stop is easy - you simply open the app, insert your ear buds, and then pray as usual. The app will then use your device's microphone to decipher your words as you speak to God, and every time it recognizes the word "just," it will unleash an electric current through the headphone jack, which will travel up the cords to be delivered to the user's head via the ear buds he or she is wearing, delivering a healthy shock for a full 5 seconds before letting up.

"It's a 12,000-watt jolt. It won't kill you, but it'll definitely make you go stiff for a few seconds," said a KingdomTekk spokesperson, describing the shock as "about a quarter" of what a police taser delivers. "You'll be amazed at how quickly our app will help you stop saying 'just' all the time when you're praying. It's super effective."

The spokesperson went on to say that the app is free, and will always be. "We're merely trying to do a Kingdom service here. We all know people - bless their hearts - who say 'just' so frequently when they pray that it's almost unbelievable," he said, adding his belief that God also approves of their venture.

At publishing time, the app had rocketed to #1 on both the App Store and Google Play.

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