New Microaggression Goggles Help You Find Something Offensive In Any Situation
Worldviews · May 24, 2019 ·

U.S. - A new pair of Microaggression Goggles has been made available for people who want to find something offensive in any situation.

The goggles are available on Kickstarter. The promotional video claims that the goggles are able to actively identify threats to political correctness and alert you when you're about to be dangerously oppressed.

"Are you tired of having to search for something to be oppressed by?" a voiceover says in the ad. "With our patented microaggression-tracking technology, you won't have to search any longer. Now, you can instantly identify up to 100 things to be offended by in any conversation."

The product will detect a wide range of microaggressions, including the following:

  • White privilege
  • MAGA hats
  • Smiling at you without your consent
  • Manspreading
  • Mansplaining
  • Manbreathing
  • Manexisting
  • Lack of avocado toast
  • Cultural appropriation
  • Cultural exclusion
  • Being hateful toward women
  • Being too friendly toward women
  • Not liking The Last Jedi

You can back the goggles for $99 at a base level or spend $4,999 on a deluxe edition that includes a white guy who will follow you around so you can claim to be even more oppressed. The Kickstarter creator believes they will ship within the next decade.

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