John MacArthur Added To Cast Of 'The View'
Celebs · Oct 2, 2017 ·

NEW YORK, NY - In a move designed to finally give an on-air voice to the nation's conservative Christians, producers of popular morning talk show The View confirmed Monday the addition of preacher and author John MacArthur to the show.

In internal test footage, MacArthur reportedly held his own against the flurry of conversation coming from the other co-hosts, dryly responding to his fellow cast members' arguments with a barrage of Bible verses and blunt truths from the Word of God.

"Wrong," MacArthur said flatly as Joy Behar began a rant in support of abortion. "Abortion is an abomination, and you'll be accountable to your Creator one day for your explicit support of the murdering of the unborn."

"Because of these things the wrath of God is being revealed against the earth," he said calmly before taking a sip of coffee as the stunned co-hosts looked on in horror.

In one heated debate over same-sex marriage, MacArthur simply looked at the camera and smirked, allowing the left-leaning hosts to simply self implode on the "obvious inconsistency of their own argumentation."

MacArthur even reportedly let his emotions get the best of him during a discussion on transgender bathrooms in public schools, raising an eyebrow for the first time during the taping, an outburst for which he later apologized.

"MacArthur has rated very highly among our demographic for his calm, stoic demeanor and his ability to put the rest of the cast in their place at long last," one ABC producer said. "We look forward to his valuable input over the coming season."

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