Jen Psaki Says She'll 'Circle Back' To Question About Why Biden Is Currently Wandering Press Room Sniffing Reporters
Politics · Jan 28, 2021 ·

WASHINGTON, D.C. - During a press conference Thursday, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked why Joe Biden was currently wandering around the room getting "a good whiff" of various female reporters' hair.

She deftly handled the question, promising to "circle back" to it before taking another question about which Ninja Turtle is Joe Biden's favorite.

"Yes, um, hi, Press Secretary Psaki. Can you tell me why Joe currently has his nose buried two inches into my bun?" asked a CNN reporter. "And to clarify, I have the utmost respect for you and for the president, may he live forever, so I'm not challenging you. I was just curious. Because I'm a little uncomfortable. But again, that's probably just me!"

"Yes, great question. We'll circle back to that," Psaki said as Biden wandered around the room sniffing woman after woman. "Anyone else? Yes, great question. Joe Biden's favorite Ninja Turtle is definitely Donatello. Everyone knows Don is the best. Haha. You guys are awesome! Great job, team!"

Psaki went on to answer questions about how Joe Biden likes his steaks done, what his favorite color is, and what he orders at Starbucks before closing up the press conference for the day.

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