January 6th Hearing (2022)
Directed by Bennie Thompson
Drama/Horror - R - 6h 39m
The latest Democrat drama January 6th Hearing, the hotly anticipated sequel to Impeachment 2 and Mueller Report: The Reckoning, aired on TV screens for the first time last night, and I am happy to report that it met - nay, EXCEEDED - my wildest expectations.
I am still shaking and soiling my trousers hours after the credits rolled - it really was that horrific.
Over the course of several hours, we learned that some rioters tried to destroy our democracy by entering the Capitol Building and taking selfies and putting their booted Nazi feet upon Nancy Pelosi's sacred desk. We learned that some of them broke a window and used bad language - even the "f-word!". One of them wore a buffalo hat and face paint that made him look like the demon who haunts my sleep paralysis dreams. And then, to cap it all off, when they were done, they went out for tacos. TACOS!
The camerawork was masterful. The dialogue was sharp and poignant, delivered with the classic monotone cadence of a bored politician. Liz Cheney was a standout here. I fully expect her to be nominated for a Golden Globe, an Oscar, and Teen Choice Award. The revelations pierced me through to my very soul, scrambled up my insides, and made me throw up all over the floor several times.
Above all, the hearings proved one thing: the Republicans are mean and yucky and we must donate all our money to help the Democrat politicians win their reelection campaigns this year. If we do not do this, the Republicans will murder our holy democracy.
January 6th Hearing is a masterpiece - a tour de force that demands to be witnessed with friends on the largest IMAX screen available. Call on your local theater to show the hearings in every time slot around the clock forever. Democracy hangs in the balance. Walk - no, RUN - to your nearest IMAX and see this - you know - since you can't afford gas to drive anymore.
5 out of 5 stars
Under a new presidential order, posting in support of Ukraine will automatically draft you into the military.