Huffington Post Editors Throw Darts At Board To Determine Day's Subject Of Outrage
Worldviews · Jun 26, 2017 ·

NEW YORK, NY - Sources from within The Huffington Post's team of writers and editors have confirmed that the group of highly professional, unbiased journalists is still throwing darts at a board to semi-randomly determine what perceived injustice will outrage them for the day.

The authorship reportedly takes turns throwing a series of darts at a custom-made dartboard, the sections of which are labeled with words and phrases like "gender wage gap," "transphobia," "white people," and "patriarchy."

While it often can take up to an hour for any of the editors to land a hit on the regulation dartboard, once two or three topics have been selected by the mostly arbitrary process, The Huffington Post's writers dutifully begin scouring the internet and local papers for stories that match the chosen agenda.

"It's a good system for us," one staff writer said as she Googled for any articles about the day's chosen subject she was supposed to write about in order to rile up the masses. "We typically get a wide enough range of topics where we can be angry about something different each day of the week."

"That's a lot healthier than being outraged about the same thing all the time," she added.

At publishing time, a HuffPo intern had reportedly taped up a new candidate subject, "rich people," to the publication's official board of outrage.

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