Democrats Warn Millions Of Lives Could Be Saved If Texas Abortion Ban Goes Into Effect
Health · Sep 1, 2021 ·

AUSTIN, TX - Democrat lawmakers are speaking out to oppose the state's ban on abortions after week six of pregnancy, warning that millions of lives could be saved if the law is allowed to stand. 

"What's happening in Texas is a national outrage," said Democrat house speaker Nancy Pelosi. "We are estimating that this bill could save over a million lives in the first ten years alone. That's one million more people living in Texas who could actually grow up to vote Republican. It's unconscionable."

"These unborn children could be future engineers, architects, farmers, or other contributors to society," Pelosi continued. "One of them might even become a doctor and find a cure for COVID. How would we be able to keep the people in line then?"
President Biden also weighed in on the controversial Texas bill. "I've been instructed to say that the right of a woman to have an abortion at any time was a founding principle of our constitution," he said. "I mean, I haven't read that thing for a while, but my aides assure me it's there. I think it's right next to the section on mask mandates and mandatory vaccinations. Say, what were we talking about again?" 

At press time, several dozen Texas Democrats were planning an extended getaway to a resort in the US Virgin Islands to protest the passage of the abortion bill. "We're willing to stay on this tropical beach however long it takes," said a spokeswoman for the group. 

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