Christians Thank God They Can Still Argue With Each Other Online During Quarantine
Christian Living · Mar 19, 2020 ·

U.S. - Despite being locked down, Christians are continuing to do what they do best: tearing each other apart for the sake of God and the gospel.

While followers of Jesus were worried they wouldn't be able to argue about theology and Christian living during the quarantine, they were relieved as they remembered they still have the internet.

"Even though we are forbidden from fellowshipping with other Christians during this time, we can use modern tools like the internet to destroy each other while we are locked down," said one woman in California as she belittled another believer online for not being as good of a homeschool teacher as she is. "Thank God for technology."

Destroying anyone who disagrees with your theology or politics, no matter how slightly your views differ, has been a Christian pastime for 2,000 years. While this used to be done in person, Christian ministries, pastors, and laypeople began leveraging the internet for this purpose in the late 1990s. Now, no virus or pandemic can stop Christians from their usual bickering.

"What can separate us from the ability to tear each other down on the internet? Shall viruses, or pandemics, or lockdowns, or quarantine? By no means!"

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