Local Charismatic Gets Side Job Working As Wacky Inflatable AirDancer
Local · Sep 17, 2016 · BabylonBee.com

LOS ANGELES, CA - Being a charismatic Christian isn't just in vogue - for local man Eric Swanson, it's also recently led to a profitable side job, as the Penetcostal man was reportedly hired to fill in for a broken inflatable AirDancer being used to promote a used car dealership.

According to Swanson, the man was worshiping Sunday morning in his typical over-the-top style, swaying back and forth with hands raised, incorporating the occasional jazz hands, hops, flops, and dabs "as the Spirit moved." As the worship service concluded, Swanson was reportedly approached by a man named "Crazy Gabe," who owns a local used car lot.

"You've got some good moves, kid," Gabe was overheard telling the young man. "What say you come by the lot tomorrow - I've got some work for you if you're interested."

Swanson reportedly performed a brief audition for Crazy Gabe upon his arrival at the car lot the following morning and was immediately hired to begin utilizing his wild arm movements, random gyrations, and spastic body motion to catch the attention of passersby.

According to Crazy Gabe, the charismatic worshiper is working out just great.

"Eric's fantastic - my other inflatable tube men just don't have the same fervor or enthusiasm of that kid. There's no telling what wacky move he'll pull off next. Customers love him!"

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