Power Of God Waits In Church Foyer Until Chorus Of 'Holy Spirit'
Church · Sep 19, 2016 · BabylonBee.com

STRONGSVILLE, OH - According to attendees at Oikos Church, the power of God as manifested in the third Person of the Trinity patiently waited in the foyer through several songs Sunday morning, before finally entering into the main sanctuary to flood the place and fill the atmosphere as the gathered worshipers broke into the chorus of Kari Jobe's hit worship song "Holy Spirit."

After the service, the worship team reportedly apologized to the congregation for not having invited the Holy Spirit in sooner, calling the first few songs "a total waste," as the Spirit had not yet been officially informed that He was welcome to manifest His presence in a metaphysical way.

"That was my bad," worship leader Jenny Atkinson said. "I made a judgment call to wait until song three to let God know we really, really badly wanted His presence to show up and overcome us, kind of like the Force in Star Wars."

Atkinson stated she knew right away it was an error, as people in the audience simply sang the lyrics of the opening worship songs exalting Jesus without any kind of obvious emotion or miraculous signs of any kind.

"I deeply apologize. Next time, we'll explicitly invite the power of the Spirit to rain down upon us like pixie dust, as soon as we show up."

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