Biden To Save Taxpayers Nearly 30% By Selecting Female VP
Politics · Jul 30, 2020 ·

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Joe Biden has announced he will be selecting a female vice president, a move many assumed was pandering to the ladyfolk. But it's actually a brilliant move, according to top analysts, since the move will save taxpayers almost 30% on the vice president's salary.

According to calculations, a female VP would only make about 78 cents for every dollar we'd usually pay a male vice president.

"Hiring a woman is fiscally responsible," said political commentator Benjamin Emerson. "It shows that Biden is serious about getting the most bang for the taxpayers' buck. Republicans claim to be all about saving money, but then they go and hire male cabinet members, office aides, and vice presidents, overpaying for these human resources instead of saving money with cheap female labor."

Should Biden select Kamala Harris as rumored, of course, he will save taxpayers even more money, since she'll just bring prison laborers to work in the White House.

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