Bible College Freshman Provides Pastor With 90 Pages Of Helpful Notes After Sermon
Church · May 26, 2017 ·

SEATTLE, WA - Local college student Bryan Valdes, who just finished his first year in the Biblical Studies program at Pacific Grace University, reportedly submitted a 90-page notebook full of helpful tips, pointers, and critical notes to Pastor Lee after his sermon Sunday.

The pastor's message, a simple call to faith and repentance rooted in the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, was well-received by the 150 attendees of Greenfield Ave Baptist Church and resulted in several commitments to Christ.

But Valdes wasn't taken in.

"While your delivery was just above adequate, your exegesis definitely leaves something to be desired," wrote the man who had taken exactly two classes on the Bible in his life. "I'm also not sure if you've ever heard of this little thing called 'hermanuetics,' [sic] but you should probably look it up."

"I'm also really uncomfortable with your statement that God loves the whole world," he added. "I'm not saying it's heresy, but you really need to tread carefully when you start flippantly throwing statements out there like that."

Valdes also took the pastor to task for his frequent use of memorable illustrations and his failure to use the passage as a springboard to fully articulate his specific soteriological framework during his 30-minute message several pages later.

At publishing time, Valdes was seen furiously typing out a 15,000-word takedown of a sermon by Chuck Swindoll in hopes that his feedback would provide lots of food for thought for the internationally known preacher.

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