Awkward: John Piper Just Accidentally Liked One Of Rob Bell's Old Facebook Photos
Celebs · May 5, 2017 ·

Uh-oh, things just got awkward.

John Piper was apparently browsing through Rob Bell's old Facebook photos Friday morning, and accidentally "liked" a picture of the former pastor preaching at Mars Hill Bible Church.

Oops! Talk about a faux pas! ?

A family friend of the Pipers said John immediately tried to unlike the post, but accidentally changed his "like" into a "love" reaction, making things that much worse! Come on, Pipes, get your act together, lol!

After fumbling with his MacBook Pro for several minutes, good ol' JP finally managed to get rid of the like, but just a few minutes later, accidentally liked one of Brian McLaren's old posts from 2011! Classic Piper!

Quick, Pastor John, log off Facebook!

And hey, let's all join him in prayer that Rob Bell didn't see that accidental like.

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