Americans Come Out Of Debate Excited By Their Two Great Choices
Politics · Sep 30, 2020 ·

U.S. - Millions of Americans tuned in Tuesday night to finally see President Trump and Joe Biden debate on stage. And the reaction was pure excitement.

"Wow! They both did so great!" said Felicia Burns, a nurse who watched from home. "One of those two will be running the country for the next four years? How can you not be optimistic?"

Everett Carter, a mechanic, agreed. "They both came off as very old," Carter stated. "I mean just think of the knowledge and experience of those two. And Biden has been in government for 47 years -- he must know how to do everything. Trump was so combative -- that guy has so much enthusiasm and energy. They're both just awesome."

A poll conducted right after the debate had a full 98% of people unable to pick a winner because both candidates did such a great job addressing all the concerns of the American people.

Not everyone was positive, though. "Our election is broken," said Russel Schwartz, an architect. "We have these two unbelievable choices, and we're only allowed to pick one of them? That's insane."

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