American Christian Thanks God He Doesn't Live In One Of Those Communist Countries Where The Government Can Shut Churches Down On A Whim
Church · May 6, 2020 ·

CACTUS, AZ - Local Christian man Lucas Mercer took a few minutes this morning to praise God that he doesn't live in one of those Communist countries where the government can just shut the churches down on a whim.

He bowed his head in prayer, expressing his gratitude that he doesn't live in a place like China or the Middle East where churches are closed down by the government all the time.

"Thank you, Lord, that I live in America, where the government would never raid a church, shut it down, order it to close, or cite people for going to church," said Mercer, praying out his open window this morning as is his custom. "I live in America, land of the free and home of the brave, where we would never put up with police officers shutting down churches. I can live out my faith confidently, knowing that my fellow Americans and I will rise up against the government if they ever tried something like that."

Mercer was quickly cited for opening his window and exposing himself to the outside while praying. "Well, what can you do?" he said to reporters. "If this ever happened in Bible times, I'm sure they'd just stop worshiping God until the government said it was OK again."

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