SAN JOSE, CA - Officials from the Guinness Book of World Records certified that youth pastor Landon Smythe of Lifestyle Community Fellowship officially set the record for the highest number of slightly stale pop culture references squeezed into a single sermon this past Sunday.
"It was incredible!" Mason Jameson, a high school sophomore who regularly attends services at Lifestyle, recalls. "He went from referencing Yeezies to Squid Game to Apex Legends all in a single breath!"
According to one of the officials, Smythe managed to mention 372 different pop culture subjects during his 45 minute message. This beats out the previous record of 13.
"I have no idea what the main theme of his sermon was, but he really held my attention the whole time with his mentions of the Kardashians and Minecraft," said 12th-grader Aliya Lyndon.
"This sermon really spoke to me," said 9th-grader Landon Camdon. "When he used Roblox to illustrate substitutionary atonement, I felt like I finally understood it.
Update: Smythe has just discovered K-Pop and already plans to break his own record this Sunday.
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