FRANKLIN, TN — Only a few hours after dismissing his wife's favorite show as "dumb," local man Paul Stanton found himself on the couch, watching the show, and enraged by Rory Gilmore's tolerance of unsuitable romantic interests.
Paul Stanton's wife, Jenna, had settled in on the couch for a New Year's Day binge of her all-time favorite show Gilmore Girls yesterday morning when he made the passing observation that it seemed like a stupid show. At her urging, he said, he agreed to sit and watch part of an episode. By yesterday evening, Paul had laid out for his wife a full diagnosis of Rory's relationship issues.
"She's way too good for that jerk," he said. "She's brilliant and deserves so much better. You hear that, Rory? Do yourself a favor and find a guy who will actually appreciate you. First, he toys with your feelings and hesitates to have a serious relationship with you. Then, he has the audacity to not reciprocate when you tell him you love him. And don't get me started on him taking a job out of town. What are his priorities?"
Paul's wife reminded him that he was now speaking to the television, but that didn't seem to stop him. "She needs to hear this, ok?" he said. "Rory, you won't find a guy who deserves you until you start recognizing how much you're worth. And let's be honest — Logan ain't it. Ditch the loser."
At publishing time, Paul's wife and close friends had advised him not to watch the Netflix revival of Gilmore Girls to avoid further disappointment in Rory's choices.
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