Study: Women Find Men Carrying Leather-Bound ESV More Attractive
Christian Living · Oct 20, 2017 ·

U.S. - A new study performed by LifeWay Research found that Christian women find men who are carrying a high-quality, leather-bound ESV Bible significantly more attractive than men who carry other versions of the Scriptures, or no Bible at all.

When asked to describe a picture of a man carrying a large, expensive English Standard Version, 91% of female respondents used terms like "attractive," "manly," and "come to mama," while the same man without an ESV was described using phrases like "boring," "total dork," "completely unattractive," and "hard pass."

"All the data we collected seem to indicate that a man can improve his image with the opposite sex immediately by adding an ever-present ESV to his wardrobe," a researcher told reporters. "The change is sudden and dramatic."

Having a sturdy copy of the translation was also found to influence a woman's opinion of a man "significantly more" than other factors like hair style, fashion sense, fitness level, general demeanor, or financial status.

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