Report: 92% Of Conversions Occur After Heated Facebook Argument
Internet · Jul 6, 2017 ·

U.S. - A full 92% of conversions to Christ are the direct result of being "argued into the Kingdom" after the nonbeliever engages in a heated, virulent argument with a Christian, a report by the LifeWay Research confirmed Thursday.

"What our survey and additional research found is what many believers in Christ have long suspected," a representative told reporters. "Engaging a skeptic online with the intent of shouting them down in a hostile manner is far more effective than other evangelistic methods, like kindness leading to repentance, attempting to understand their position, or just humbly explaining the gospel."

According to the survey results, the effect was most pronounced when the Christian debater uses harsh language, memes, and threats of hellfire. Further, the poll showed that political arguments in general are responsible for millions of conversions per year.

Other online sources of conversion - such as spamming comments sections with one's Christian blog posts and trolling nonbelievers on Twitter - were also popular and effective, the study showed.

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