Poll Finds Most People OK With Raising Taxes On Other People
Politics · Jan 16, 2019 · BabylonBee.com

U.S. - In a stunning new poll, Americans indicated they are OK with a 70% marginal tax rate, indicating that since the hefty taxes would only apply to other people and not themselves, they are alright with the extremely high taxes.

"See, a lot of people think the proposed 70% tax rate is way too high," said one woman in California. "But what they don't understand is that the 70% is only on really rich people---in other words, not me. Let's crank it up to 90, 100, or 110%  even. I don't mind in the slightest."

Americans all over the country suggested they are OK with a majority of the people voting to take a minority of the people's money, as long as they are not part of that minority.

"I am a very generous person, so I believe everyone else needs to pay their fair share," said Lyle Hartright of Maine. "Everyone that isn't me, I mean."

"These are stunning results," said one analyst. "We always believed that Americans were generous, but we never knew how generous. To offer to raise taxes to 70% or more on other people just goes to show how much compassion people have."

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