Multiple Peaceful Protests Break Out At Hockey Games
Sports · Aug 1, 2020 ·

CANADA - The NHL kicked off their much-anticipated Stanley Cup Playoffs today in what some are calling the most peaceful hockey tournament of all time.  

Just 47 seconds into the game between the Rangers and the Hurricanes, winger Artemi Panarin started peacefully protesting near his own goal. "First I dropped my gloves and removed my helmet," Panarin said. "That's how all great peaceful protests start." He then proceeded to peacefully protest with Carolina's Sebastian Aho, who had also removed his gloves and helmet.

The two peacefully protested in such a fine fashion - exchanging clenched fists of freedom while chanting peaceful slogans like "hockey wives matter," and "get the puck out of there" - that multiple players from each team joined them. Two other wingers joined in until both men's noses were broken. Carolina's center dropped the gloves and peacefully protested with New York's center until they were both peacefully covered in blood. Even the goalies joined the protest, both being ejected from the game due to the overwhelming amount of peace, love, and understanding they had spread.  

Members of Antifa were seen entering the arena about the same time as the peaceful protest broke out. But after they saw just how peacefully the hockey players were protesting they just called their moms for a ride home and got the heck out of there.    

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