Pastor Diagnosed With Severe Case Of Buffering
Church · Apr 7, 2020 ·

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - According to a statement released by Faith Rock Church, pastor Russell Schmidt is still undergoing medical tests to determine the root cause of a sudden buffering attack, which occurred right in the middle of his Sunday message titled "Victory over Life's Trials."

As Schmidt expounded on the need to claim victory over trials and tribulations, church members live streaming the sermon at home were suddenly shocked to see Schmidt freeze up, then begin stuttering, before quickly recovering for a moment.

"We were hoping it was just an allergic fit," said one church member. "Our thoughts and prayers are with him. We know he can beat this."

"But then Schmidt just kept on slurring, stuttering, freezing up - he even turned into a mass of pixels near the end there," she said, clearly distraught. "We tried to call out and ask him if he was okay, but he just stood there staring at us with a weird expression on his face for several minutes."

Faith Rock Church is asking all churches to pray that God would give the doctors wisdom to figure out why Schmidt's health is suddenly failing, and also for donations to upgrade their live streaming software and broadband connections.

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