New WikiBible Lets Anyone Edit The Scriptures
Scripture · Jun 7, 2019 ·

U.S. - Utilizing Wikipedia's tried-and-true method of letting anyone in the world edit its content, so you know it's reliable, a new WikiBible will let anyone edit the inspired Scriptures.

The online Bible can be edited on the fly by anyone on the planet, with no login required. The creators of the new WikiBible hope that it will encourage people to just edit out verses that offend them or condemn their lifestyle. Verses that don't fit neatly into your theology can be deleted in a flash.

"Don't like a verse? Just edit it," one of the creators of the new Bible, Bob Bell, said in a video announcing the new internet Bible. "Want to inject some values from your modern culture into the text? Have at it. We are no longer restricting by the suffocating, oppressive rigidity of believing what God said. Now we can make Him say what we want Him to say."

Charismatic believers from around the world are also excited about this, as they can add their personal revelations from God about what they're supposed to eat for lunch today or their gibberish languages right into the text.

"The Bible is so much better when it's created by popular consensus, rather than divine inspiration."

Unfortunately for the exciting new Bible project, at least one person found every verse in the Bible offensive for one reason or another, and the entire copy of God's Word was deleted within the first few hours of the site's launch. It's been replaced with phrases like "You can do it," "Believe in yourself," and "The magic was inside you all along."

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