New VidAngel Bible App Removes The Sex And Violence To Make It Appropriate For Christians
Christian Living · Oct 2, 2020 ·

U.S. - The Bible has been a popular book for a long time, and a new service from VidAngel will help it reach a wider audience by allowing people to remove the sex and violence that made the book inappropriate for many people.

"As a Christian, I'm very careful about what media I expose myself and my family to," said Alice Fox, a housewife. "And there are certain parts of the Bible -- especially the Old Testament -- that make me go 'I don't think I should be reading this.' I mean Song of Solomon, that's really gratuitous."

With the new service, one can simply mark what content they don't want to be exposed to and then get a Bible version with the offensive sections removed.

"Finally I can read the Bible to my kids without having to worry," said Ryan Saunders, a happy customer of the service. "Like I'm not going to accidentally run into a long section of begetting. Kids don't need to know about begetting yet. And there is so much begetting!"

Some are against the service, though, saying it could alter the artist's intent. There had been previous lawsuits about adding and removing things from the Bible, some of which ended in a smiting.

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