More Unborn Babies Disguising Themselves As Baby Yoda To Avoid Being Aborted
Worldviews · Jan 8, 2020 ·

U.S. - According to sources across the country, more and more babies are disguising themselves as Baby Yoda so their pro-choice parents will not abort them.

The babies got the idea when they saw how many people were fawning over the fictional character yet still were apathetic toward the deaths of millions of human babies aborted every year. They procured Baby Yoda costumes through an underground black market for the unborn.

When pro-choicers saw the Baby Yodas in their sonograms, they instantly dropped their support for abortion, saying they couldn't bear to harm such an adorable little guy.

"Awwwww he's so cute!" one Portland progressive pregnant woman said. "I couldn't possibly end the beating heart of this little man." 

Bounty hunters across the country also vowed to protect the unborn after the disguises were in place.

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