Man Who Constantly Calls People 'Snowflakes' Deeply Offended By Slightest Criticism Of President Trump
Politics · Mar 27, 2017 ·

PAMPA, TX - Local man Peter Elliott, who calls nearly every person he argues with online a "precious snowflake," is still getting severely offended at the slightest criticism of President Donald Trump, sources confirmed Monday.

"Hey, ya snowflake libtard, why don't you move to Mexico if you love Mexicans so much? You snowflakes are just so [expletive] precious," Elliott recently posted in response to a commenter on a Yahoo! News story.

Mere moments later, another Yahoo! user replied to Elliott's comment and questioned whether the president's policy was good for the U.S. economy, causing the local builder to become "uncontrollably outraged" as the comment triggered his emotions.

Elliott then "went nuclear" on his online nemesis, according to sources, posting massive, seething rants against his foe without any regard for proper paragraph indentation or punctuation, as the man, in his unbridled rage, found himself completely unable to cope with the reasonable criticism of the president for whom he voted.

According to sources close to him, Elliott engages in multiple similar arguments daily.

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