In Effort To Boost Ratings, CNN Showing Reruns Of The Russia Investigation
Politics · Apr 13, 2021 ·

U.S. - In an effort to boost ratings, CNN has announced a series of special broadcasts revisiting some of the most riveting and sensational moments of the Trump Russia collusion investigation.

"Our loyal fans have been asking for this," said CNN President Jeff Zucker. "We hear over and over again how exciting and compelling our dramatic coverage of the Russia investigation was. This year, we will be showing special reruns of the best moments from our courageous journalism covering the evil dealings of Trump with the nefarious evil powers of Russia!"

The footage will feature beloved clips of Don Lemon crying, Brian Stelter crying, and Jim Acosta shouting in the press pool. Favorite characters like James Comey, Robert Muller, James Clapper, Peter Strzok and other heroic defenders of democracy will also make appearances.

According to sources, Jim Acosta has taken a month off to binge-watch every episode. 

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