Depending on who you ask there are many ways to say grace before a meal. You show us how you pray when gathered with others and we'll tell you what that says about your theology.
So listen carefully next time during grace and that'll be a dead giveaway as to what that person believes.
The prayer is for massively unhealthy fried chicken and casseroles to nurture our bodies - Baptist
Every other word is "thou", "thy", or "yeoldethinesteth" - KJV Baptist
Prayer is led by a woman - Hey, wait a minute, you're not a Christian!
Prayer is about how terrible, awful, and undeserving we all are of the food we're about to eat - Calvinist
No prayer - Unitarian
Makes strange hand gestures, might be praying or summoning an eldritch Lovecraftian horror - Catholic
Starts with Daddy God - Episcopalian
Start with Mother God - Episcopalian
Recites ancient prayer claimed to have been the exact words the Apostle Peter prayed over his fish tacos - Eastern Orthodox
Makes everyone hold hands - Your mom. DAAAAAANG!
Says cute little liturgical prayer between gulps of beer - Lutheran
By thanking the moon and sun god for this bountiful harvest - Wait a second! You're a pagan!
Pray incantations in Latin - Catholics again
Pray incantations in Pig Latin - Joe Biden
Only Dad prays in this house - Presbyterian
Peek through your eyelids during prayer to see if the tide is back in and the surf is lookin' gnarly - Calvary Chapel
Silent prayer over delicious oatmeal - Quaker
Prays in Hebrew and glances around to see if everyone noticed - Seminary student
No prayer just rolling around on the floor saying gibberish - Pentecostal
Well there you have it folks! That's the definitive list of all the different ways to say grace.
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