TAMPA, FL - Local friend Vander McRay assured you over the weekend that the show you're watching gets really really good if you can make it to at least Season 9.
"Oh yeah, bro you gotta stick it out!" McRay said. "The first eight or so seasons are pretty slow but things really pick up somewhere in the middle of Season 9. Or was it Season 10?"
After highly recommending the show, McRay conceded it can be a little hard to get into. He explained he hadn't watched the entire show run in years but enjoyed at least four episodes somewhere around Season 9.
"They got more money for effects and acting and all that. The first few seasons are pretty low-budget and I think they had to replace a few of the main actors, but once they get the wrinkles ironed things really take off! Trust me, have I ever steered you wrong?"
As of publishing time, you had reminded McRay he had, in fact, steered you wrong he recommended you watch The Acolyte because "It's not really that bad, you just have to go into it with an open mind."
The Founding Fathers didn't always agree behind closed doors.