First Baptist Dallas Passes Out 'What Would Trump Do?' Bracelets During Service
Christian Living · Jan 20, 2020 ·

DALLAS, TX - Pastor Robert Jeffress surprised his congregation at First Baptist Dallas Sunday with a free gift. As his sermon neared its end, Jeffress told the crowd to look under their seats for a "little surprise."

Underneath every seat was a What Would Trump Do? bracelet. 

"Now, every time you're confronted with a moral quandary, you can look down at your wrist and ask the all-important question: What would Trump do?" Jeffress said as excited parishioners scrambled to snag their free Trump swag. "For instance, if you're thinking about running for political office, you might be wondering if it's appropriate to pay off a porn star for her silence. Now, your bracelet has the answer: absolutely."

"Personally, every time I'm about to do something, I ask, 'Would Trump do that thing?' and if the answer is 'No,' then I do not do that thing."

Jeffress then called up the church's official T-shirt cannon crew to blast out W.W.T.D. hats, shirts, and grilling aprons to the screaming throng.

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