Fatphobic A.I. Still Not Generating A Supermodel That Looks Like Lizzo
Tech · Aug 4, 2023 · BabylonBee.com

UNITED STATES — A.I.-generated supermodels are turning heads and garnering millions of followers with their slim, lithe, fake bodies showing off fake bikinis and elegant, non-existent gowns. Shamefully, the popularity of these petite, A.I. supermodels shines a glaring light on fatphobic society, and worse, fatphobic A.I.

"The body positivity movement has, yet again been undermined, this time by a fat-shaming A.I.," said body-positive activist Gertha Tunzaphun while confidently displaying the remarkable tensile power of Spandex. "It's shameful that A.I. has hopped on the right-wing, white-supremacist health and fitness lies aimed at attacking the fritter-diverse."

Tunzaphun continued, adding that these hatefully-beautiful A.I. models had sucked all the creepy old men from the dating pool that the body positivity movement once heavily relied on.

In response to the fair criticism, the A.I. has attempted to be less fatphobic by releasing the first body-positive A.I. supermodel. It has two followers.

Body-positive superstar Lizzo could not be reached for comment as she was busy doing [CENSORED] to [CENSORED] in front of [CENSORED].

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