Church Kicks Off Fun-Filled 'Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God' Themed VBS
Church · Jul 16, 2018 ·

SPRING VALLEY, NV - While many churches choose a pre-made VBS theme with fun, colorful characters and a cartoonish setting, Church of the Desert Hills today launched its own proprietary Vacation Bible School, dubbed "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

The exciting event promises to be filled with fun crafts, interactive games, and daily skits in which characters reenact fiery metaphors and illustrations from Edwards' weighty, sobering sermon from the Great Awakening.

Many of the crafts, games, and activities will involve fire, according to the church's pastor.

"We've got a fun one lined up for tomorrow, called 'The Loathsome Spider,'" he said. "The kids will swing over a pit of hot coals on a rope, trying not to fall and get burned! Classic." The pastor stated that fire-themed crafts and illustrations help the kids remember the lessons from Edwards' sermon and life, "especially when they get burned."

"Pretty much anything that involves fire, we've got it!" he added.

In the event's exciting finale, the kids will gather to hear a Jonathan Edwards impersonator reenact the famed sermon.

According to the pastor, next year, the church is considering an exciting Spanish Inquisition theme.

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