Biden Vows To Return Nation To Era When Press Didn't Bother Reporting On President's Scandals
Politics · Apr 26, 2019 ·

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Speaking on The View, presidential candidate Joe Biden promised to bring the nation back to an era when the media pretended the president didn't have any scandals.

Biden pointed out that nowadays there's a new presidential scandal every day on the news, some real, some invented.

"Back when I was in office, we had plenty of scandals, but it was much nicer, because the media just didn't report on them," he said. "It was a lot more pleasant to watch the news. The press just told you everything was fine in the White House."

The former vice president listed off numerous scandals the Obama administration had, such as targeting political enemies with the IRS, Operation Fast & Furious, spying on opposing political campaigns, and bombing foreign countries around the clock without a declaration of war.

"I mean, can you believe the mainstream media didn't touch those?" he said, laughing. "I was sure they'd nail us on something. But nope. We were in the clear."

"Wouldn't it be nice to have that false sense that your leaders are moral again?" he said wistfully.

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