Benny Hinn Gives Up Healing Powers For Lent
Celebs · Mar 6, 2019 ·

U.S. - In a powerful display of selflessness and devotion to the Lord, supernatural healer Benny Hinn has agreed to give up his powers for the full 40 days of the Lent season.

Hinn publicly committed not to blast anyone with a Holy Spirit Hadouken, knock anyone over with his magic suit jacket, or perform any other totally unbelievable miracles during the traditional lead up to Easter.

"For the entire Lent season, I will be refraining from blasting people with my Spirit power," Hinn said in a heartfelt video posted to his website. "This will allow me more time to concentrate on the Lord and my plan for generating a ton more revenue in the coming year by fleecing innocent people out of their hard-earned money."

In a solemn ceremony Wednesday morning, Hinn handed his suit jacket over to Kenneth Copeland, who will act as his accountability partner during Lent. "Keep me accountable," Hinn whispered. "If I so much as use a single Force lightning blast on someone, I want you to call me out."

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