Wow, this is EPIC. Ben Shapiro COMPLETELY SHUT DOWN this little boy who said he identifies as an astronaut.
"I'm an astronaut!" the kid said. "Space is cool! Space is fun!"
"Ok, here's the thing, kid," Shapiro began. "You are not an astronaut. You are merely a 5-year-old human child with NO qualifications and NO training whatsoever. Astronauts require years of training and must be in top physical condition. You, on the other hand, are none of those. Clearly."
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH! This ignorant snowflake kid didn't even know what hit him!
The small wannabe astronaut attempted to retort, saying: "I wanna fly on a rocket and go to mars! VROOOMMM! Rocketship! Yay!"
Ben Shapiro was completely unfazed. "Your own self-image has absolutely no bearing on reality, kid. The fact is, you are not, nor have you ever been, an astronaut. You are not an astronaut. You are a child. You are delusional if you think otherwise. Look at you. You're like three feet high. You would need a booster seat to pilot a rocket."
How much do you wanna bet this kid will think twice before going up against Shapiro again?
Under a new presidential order, posting in support of Ukraine will automatically draft you into the military.