MAR-A-LAGO, FL — In one of the most momentous events in the history of mankind, a species of noble and intelligent aliens has made landfall in Florida to make first contact with the Leader of the Free World, President Donald J. Trump.
The alien delegates were reportedly impressed by the firmness and duration of President Trump's handshake.
"On behalf of the greatest America ever, and the whole world I guess, welcome to the greatest Earth in the Scutum Centaurus arm of the Galaxy," said President Trump, humbled to be chosen as the honored representative of humanity. "And let me just tell you while you're here, Europe is really not worth visiting; they don't shower much and I'm not sure why. Sad, really."
The initial welcome and diplomatic photo shoot was followed by a gift exchange where the generous aliens presented Trump with a statue of his bust which had been carved from the wishbone of a gentle space whale matriarch by their most respected sculptor, Xzit'urz Qixmy'r.
The Commander-in-Chief then bestowed to his new extraterrestrial friends an invaluable signed MAGA hat and a printout of his SuperTrump NFT.
Diplomatic meetings ended with President Trump promising to stop old Sleepy Joe Biden from shooting down all of their gracious peace offering balloons.
President of Earth Stacey Abrams could not be reached for comment.
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