Yes, Jesus commanded us to "go into all the world and preach the Gospel," but sometimes it's really hard. The busyness of life, binge-watching shows, and arguing with people on social media can fill up your day to the point where there just isn't any time left for telling people about the Good News. Thankfully, there are ways you can preach the Gospel while hardly exerting any effort at all!
To make things easier on you and your conscience, The Babylon Bee has put together the following list of ways to spread the Gospel while hardly trying:
- Own a lib on Twitter: Nothing shows the love of Christ like totally destroying someone online.
- Invite a friend to church so the pastor has to do the hard work: It's his actual job, right?
- Put t-shirts with inspirational Bible verses on neighborhood stray cats: They wander around the neighborhood all day anyway, why not use them to spread the Good News?
- Tip the pizza guy with one of those tracts that looks like money: He'll be really glad and won't be in any way disappointed by not getting actual cash.
- Roll down your car window at a stoplight and blast Switchfoot tunes: People will be running up to your car to ask for prayer!
- Post a photo on Instagram featuring your open Bible and a cup of coffee: It doesn't matter if you actually read anything, just make sure you use the perfect angle and effect!
- Stare really hard at an unsaved girl at the gym while thinking "Jesus saves": She'll get the message.
- Put a "Jesus fish" on the back of your car: Make sure you drive really fast and cut in front of people on the freeway so lots of people see it!
- Get a job at Chick-Fil-A: Spreading the Gospel one delicious chicken sandwich at a time!
See? Sharing the Gospel isn't that hard and doesn't even take much effort on your part. Now get out there and make some disciples!
NOT SATIRE: Help Bring the Salvation Message to the World with iBIBLE
iBIBLE — the world's first visual and interactive presentation of the Divine narrative — is now in production of the iBIBLE Salvation episode!
This nine-minute episode highlights over 250 Bible verses to show God's plan to restore and redeem mankind through Jesus Christ. Filled with eye-catching artwork, vivid color, and the unchanging Word of God, the iBIBLE Salvation episode will help direct people to Christ and to God's free gift of salvation.
Would you prayerfully consider making a generous contribution to help finish the iBIBLE Salvation episode? All iBIBLE episodes are free to replicate, free to translate, and free to distribute around the world.
Help bring the iBIBLE Salvation episode to the world!
Meet John Larson, a paraplegic firefighter who is breaking barriers with the LAFD.