7 Keys To Being A Feminist Husband
Sponsored · May 5, 2021 · BabylonBee.com

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If there's one thing all women dream of from the time they are little girls, it's being married to a feminist husband. If you're married, are you feminist enough? Follow these simple tips to up your feminist game! 

1. Explain feminism to your wife in case she doesn't know what it is: It's important for your wife to really understand what you're doing as you make efforts to become more feminist. Explain it as many times as necessary to make sure she understands.

2. Wait patiently for her to open the door for you: Women are always annoyed when men assume they aren't strong enough to open doors. Let her open the door for you! Also, let her open all her own pickle jars. 

3. Burn all of her bras: The brassiere is an invention of the patriarchy. Take it upon yourself to liberate her from these oppressive shackles today!

4. Fill the house with spiders for her to triumphantly defeat herself: There's nothing strong, independent women love more than conquering a terrifying foe. Give her the thrill of a lifetime!

5. Criticize all her cooking because a real feminist can take it: If you don't forcefully criticize her at every turn, your wife will take that to mean you don't think she's strong enough. 

6. Remind your wife how feminist you are: Sometimes, women forget. Make sure she remembers how lucky she is to have married a real feminist! 

7. Let her work a full-time job, do all the housework, and raise the kids so the world can see how powerful she is: Your wife is POWERFUL, and the world needs to see it. Let her do everything!

Follow these 7 simple steps today and give your wife the feminist husband of her dreams!

NOT SATIRE: What does it look like when a man loves a woman? Douglas Wilson answers that question in How To Exasperate Your Wife and Other Short Essays for Men, and his responses are as wide-ranging and humorous as they are incisive and down to earth. Douglas Wilson explains why men's distorted view of wisdom handicaps their understanding of their wives, and he exposes rigid (and wrong) approaches to marriage and relationships. He gives practical, nuts-and-bolts advice for identifying unhappy households, replacing absent dads with true leaders, all combined with hot tips on how to exasperate your wife. Both realistic and insightful, How to Exasperate Your Wife and Other Short Essays for Men points husbands (and wives) towards a passionate married love that is particular, sacrificial, sacramental, and muy caliente. 

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