JUDAH — Zephaniah, described by authorities as a "minor prophet" is tired of being asked by his overbearing parents when he'll become a major prophet, sources say.
"Sweetie, are you gonna be a minor prophet your whole life?" said his mother. "The money's so much better if you're a major prophet. You're much more likely to meet a lovely wife if you're making major prophet money. I want grandchildren!"
"Ughhh Mom! I work for King Josiah, ok?" said the frustrated Zephaniah. "He's a really godly king so there's really not much prophecy work to do these days. Gosh!"
The minor prophet's father Cushi is also frustrated with his son's lack of ambition. "I just wish the boy had a little bit more drive," he said. "You know, like Isaiah or Daniel. Those guys were top performers! I know he could get there if he just applied himself. At this rate, his book of the Old Testament will be only, like, three chapters that no one will ever read!"
At publishing time, Zephaniah was cited by King Josiah's counsel for being late to the weekly prophecy meeting.
The Founding Fathers didn't always agree behind closed doors.