Woman Unsure Why She Needs Jesus After Preacher Spends 30 Minutes Telling Her How Amazing She Is
Church · Jan 5, 2017 · BabylonBee.com

TWIN OAKS, AZ - According to reports coming out of Hope Community Church, first-time visitor Brittany Wilson remains unsure about why she needed "this Jesus guy" in her life after the pastor spent the entire Sunday sermon reiterating how awesome, amazing, unique, and special she is.

"The message was super-encouraging. It was all about how I need to let the goodness within me shine and 'just do me,' without worrying about all the haters," Wilson said after the service.

"But then the pastor said I needed Jesus, out of the blue. Like, what? It made no sense. I'm not sure what He has to offer that I don't, based on how wonderful the pastor said I am."

Wilson, who hasn't attended church since she was a child, further reported she was "a little hurt" that the pastor would segue into an invitation to add Jesus to her life.

"It really undermined my confidence in myself," she said, adding she wouldn't be back anytime soon.

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