Twitter User Courageously Stands For Doctrinal Integrity With Anonymous Account
Internet · Apr 19, 2017 ·

UNDISCLOSED - A brave internet user has discovered a creative, unique, and winsome way to protect the Christian faith against error and heresy: an anonymous Twitter account.

Using the Twitter handle @PurestDoctrine4U, the person (who agreed to an interview Wednesday only if the secret of his or her identity would be maintained) says they stumbled across the idea from another anonymous account and, after deciding they should "carry that cross" as well, started one of their own.

That was several months ago, and @PurestDoctrine4U already has 43 followers.

The anonymous reformer's tweets focus on "daringly correcting so-called Christians engaged in a vast array of problematic behaviors while courageously contending for the true faith by upholding only the purest doctrine," as their bio explains.

"I have a Twitter account under my real name, too," @PurestDoctrine4U revealed. "But when I use it to correct other Christians and criticize ministries, the replies I get distract me from my mission. I don't want to explain why they are wrong. They just are."

"The anon account allows me to serve the church body without the distraction of dealing with people," the hero added.

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