Trump Supporters Attempt To Frighten Liberals Away From Polls With MAGA Scarecrows
Politics · Oct 21, 2020 ·

U.S. - In a clear case of voter suppression, some Trump supporters are attempting to scare liberals away from their polling places with MAGA hat-wearing scarecrows.

The scarecrows wearing the iconic red hat are acting as an effective deterrent to progressives trying to get to their place of voting.

"They see the red hat and immediately scream at the sky, run away in fear, or throw bricks at it and forget to go to the polls," said Iowa farmer Judd Harpley as he set up another MAGA scarecrow in a nearby town square. "It's a really effective tactic. I got the idea while keeping those darn crows away from my corn."

"It ain't much, but it's honest work."

Liberals are firing back, setting up scarecrows in same-sex relationships to scare conservatives away from their own polling places.

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