KABUL - Taliban spokesperson Mohammad Naeem Warda has finally been banned from Twitter this week after carelessly sharing a satirical headline from The Babylon Bee.
"Wallahi, I just thought the joke was funny," said the bloodthirsty terrorist PR rep. "A man who thinks he's a woman? Whoever heard of such a thing? Those Babylon Bee people are so fun and crazy, even though they're infidels who must die a painful death by our hands."
Twitter has said they will not unlock Warda's account until he deletes the hateful, bigoted material. Once he does, he will be able to join President Putin, Antifa terrorists, the CCP, and violent pornographers in using Twitter freely.
"Twitter has a clear policy against expressing any opinion that runs contrary to our preferred gender ideology," said one Twitter spokesperson as a group of activists stood menacingly behind him with billy clubs. "Also, the trans activists said they'd burn our building down if we don't comply with their agenda so we don't really have a choice."
Warda has apologized for the irresponsible tweet and has promised to stick to promoting the slavery and subjugation of women according to Sharia Law in the future.
A journalist from The Atlantic spills all after being mistakenly added to a group chat with top Trump officials.