Some Old Guy Disrupts Multiple 'Rise Of Skywalker' Screenings With Loud Booing
Entertainment · Dec 19, 2019 ·

U.S. - According to sources from across the country, some "cantankerous old coot" was thrown out of several Rise of Skywalker screenings for trying to rile the crowd up and get everyone to boo.

"Boo! Terrible! Not so easy to make a beloved trilogy, is it? BOOOOO!!!" the man cried, attempting to rally other audience members to do the same. "Come on, who's with me? This is awful!" The crowd shushed him, as they were trying to watch the previews. 

Finally, the big Star Wars logo came onscreen along with John Williams' classic score. After the loud theme ended and the opening crawl concluded, though, the old man got right back to his jeering.

"Bring back Lucas! Bring back Lucas!" he shouted, trying to get a chant going. "Disney sucks! Disney sucks!"

He was thrown out of the theatre but somehow kept slipping back into other screenings, disrupting viewing after viewing throughout the night. Investigators believe he has billions of dollars from selling a popular movie franchise and simply slipped a "few thou" to ticket takers to let him back in time and time again.

Sadly it seems most of his efforts went to waste as people were already booing anyway.

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