Shocking New Study Suggests Disagreeing With Gay, Trans People Not Same As Hating Them
Christian Living · Jul 10, 2017 ·

U.S. - A shocking new study published Monday by The Barna Group seemed to suggest that disagreeing with gay or transgender people on lifestyle and/or social issues is not the same thing as hating them, causing an uproar on the internet and college campuses across the nation.

The study followed thousands of self-identified Christians who support traditional marriage and gender definitions, and found that while they disagree with the current cultural narrative on gender and sex, the majority of them do not harbor hatred for gay and transgender people, with most treating them just like they treat most other people in their daily lives.

"Our startling research strongly suggests that just because a person disagrees with people who are homosexual or transsexual, and even questions the principles, assumptions, and logic behind their worldviews, for religious or other reasons, this does not necessarily mean that they despise them to the inner core of their being," a Barna representative told reporters. "While there are exceptions, our study indicates that it is not always appropriate to automatically correlate conservative social stances on sex and gender to bigoted homophobia and transphobia."

At publishing time, a federal judge in California had issued multiple warrants for Barna Group executives.

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